senior portraits | Bobby Blanchard

Congratulations Bobby! 
Remember me when you're famous and breaking news all over the world. 

What a pleasure it was to shoot Bobby's portraits. This guys knows how to keep himself busy! I've known Orange Bobby since he was a crazy freshman when we worked at The Daily Texan together. Bobby will be graduating this semester with a degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin. You can expect great things from this guy! He has not wasted any time in college by working internships, building apps and - i certainly won't forget this - bringing the news box to Belo. (Do you sleep Bobby? You quit that red bull right? Still a queso lover?) 

Bobby will finish his internship at The Texas Tribune before transitioning to a Dallas Morning New's fellowship at its Austin bureau!  

Don't ever forget the basement Bobby! ~DT Forever ~ 

- Pu